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A creative companion for educators that unleashes enriching learning experiences!

The Idea

PLAI is designed to facilitate the creation of innovative game/physical activity ideas for students. Users initiate this creative process by signing up and creating unique accounts, leveraging the platform’s capabilities to generate inventive and engaging game/physical activity concepts.

This website is required to be designed in a way that allows users to initiate the game creation process by filling out a meticulously designed form, comprising a predefined set of questions after logging in. Following form submission, user inputs are sent to ChatGPT via API, anticipating its insightful response. The generated ideas will be displayed in a user-friendly interface and simultaneously stored in our database, preserving each unique concept for future reference.

This streamlined and professional approach empowers educators to effortlessly leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT for cultivating engaging and entertaining activity concepts in an educational context.


  1. Uncertain Response from ChatGPT: Implementing a robust custom logic system to effectively instruct ChatGPT for generating tailored games based on user prompts poses a challenge. The uncertainty in responses demands a strategic approach to ensure the coherence and relevance of generated content.
  2. Handling API Rate Limits: The effective management of API rate limits becomes imperative, varying based on subscription tiers. Depending on the plan, constraints on the number of requests per minute or day may pose challenges, necessitating careful planning and resource allocation to meet user demands seamlessly.
  3. Authentication & Security: Ensuring robust authentication and security protocols in the integration with ChatGPT API is crucial. Safeguarding access through secure handling of API keys or tokens becomes a priority, mitigating potential risks and ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.
  4. Handling Asynchronous Responses: Addressing asynchronous responses and potential latency from the ChatGPT API, particularly in real-time applications, demands careful consideration. Developing mechanisms to handle delays and maintain user experience standards was highly required to provide a seamless and responsive interaction for users engaging with the platform.


  1. A methodical technique for addressing confusion in ChatGPT responses is to experiment with several prompts to determine which one works best. We performed iterative testing to guarantee the production of excellent game/physical activity concepts by assisting in the identification of the ideal prompt that reliably and consistently produces the required reaction.
  2. To circumvent API rate limits, our proactive strategy involved implementing rate-limiting mechanisms on the client side. Employing backoff algorithms or exponential retry strategies gracefully handles rate-limited responses, preventing the system from exceeding defined limits and maintaining smooth and uninterrupted user interactions.
  3. Ensuring robust security safeguards API keys or tokens through secure methods such as environment variables, secret management tools, or encrypted storage. We employed HTTPS and encryption for data transmission which adds a layer of protection, mitigating potential security vulnerabilities and unauthorized access risks.
  4. To address potential latency in API responses, we implemented user-friendly techniques like loading indicators and timeouts. Designing the application to function seamlessly despite potential delays enhances user experience, ensuring a responsive and reliable interaction even in the face of varying API response times.

Project Glimpse

Technology Stack

Node JS

Mongo DB

React JS



The project culminated in successful delivery, meeting client expectations, and garnering positive feedback. The website’s implementation of innovative game/physical activity idea generation received acclaim, reflecting a seamless user experience and effective collaboration between development and client teams. The positive client feedback underscores the project’s success in fulfilling its objectives.

Encouraged by the initial achievement, there is an active consideration for Phase 2 development, indicative of the client’s confidence in the platform’s potential for further enhancement. This positive outcome not only affirms the project’s accomplishment but also sets the stage for continued collaboration and advancement, attesting to the website’s effectiveness in facilitating creative game/physical activity ideation for students.

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