Open Source Contribution: How to Get Started and Make an Impact

Open source software has become the backbone of the modern tech world. From the operating systems we use to the applications we rely on, open source is everywhere! 

Contributing to open source projects not only benefits the community but also enhances your own technical prowess and career prospects. If you’re looking to get started with open source and make a meaningful impact, this guide is for you. We’ll explore the benefits, the process of getting involved, and strategies to maximize your contributions.

Understanding Open Source

Code that is intended to be publicly available is known as open source software; anybody is free to view, alter, and distribute the code as they see appropriate. This encourages a transparent and cooperative atmosphere. Among the most well-known open-source initiatives are the Apache HTTP Server, Linux, and Mozilla Firefox.

The size, share, and trends of the open source services market from 2024 to 2034. The size of the worldwide open source services market was estimated to be USD 28.3 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.22% to reach approximately USD 138.61 billion by 2032.

Why Contribute to Open Source?

Before diving into the how-to, let’s explore the benefits of contributing to open source:

  1. Skill Enhancement: Working on open source projects helps you learn new technologies, improve coding practices, and expand your skill set.
  2. Networking: You’ll connect with a diverse community of developers, share knowledge, and build valuable relationships.
  3. Portfolio Building: Your contributions to open source projects can showcase your abilities to potential employers.
  4. Giving Back: By contributing, you’re helping to create a better, more accessible tech world for everyone.
  5. Learning and Growth: Engaging with open source projects provides continuous learning opportunities, keeping you updated with the latest trends and technologies.

Getting Started with Open Source

Identify Your Interests and Skills: Start by identifying the technologies and domains you are passionate about. Are you into web development, data science, cybersecurity, or any other field? We help you to understand your interests that will help you choose the right projects.

Find the Right Project: Platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket host thousands of open source projects. Use search filters to find projects that match your interests and skill level. 

Understand the Project: Once you’ve selected a project, take the time to understand its goals, architecture, and codebase. Read through the project’s file, contribution guidelines, and existing issues.

Join the Community: Most open source projects have a community of contributors and users. We help you to join their mailing lists, chat groups (like Slack or Discord), and forums to stay updated and seek guidance.

Start Small: We begin with small contributions like fixing bugs, improving documentation, or writing tests. This helps us get familiar with the project’s workflow and coding standards.

Consistent Contributions: We believe that regular contributions, no matter how small, build your reputation in the community. Consistency is key to making a lasting impact.

Quality Over Quantity: Focus on the quality of your contributions. Well-documented, clean, and efficient code is always appreciated more than a high volume of subpar submissions.

Collaborate and Communicate: Open source is all about collaboration. Engage with other contributors, seek feedback, and be open to constructive criticism. Effective communication is vital for successful collaboration.

Take Ownership: As you become more comfortable with the project, start taking ownership of more significant issues or even new features. This demonstrates your commitment and can lead to more substantial roles within the project.

Mentor and Guide: Once you’ve gained experience, consider mentoring new contributors. Helping others not only strengthens the community but also solidifies your knowledge and skills.

Stay Updated: Open source projects are dynamic. Stay updated with the latest changes, upcoming features, and project roadmap. This enables you to contribute effectively and stay relevant.

Overcoming Challenges

  1. Finding Time: Balancing open source contributions with personal and professional commitments can be challenging. We dedicate a fixed amount of time each week for open source work to ensure consistent progress.
  2. Understanding Complex Codebases: Large projects can have complex codebases that are difficult to understand initially. We break down the code into smaller parts, seek help from the community, and gradually build the understanding.
  3. Handling Rejections: Not all contributions are accepted. Therefore, we treat rejections as learning opportunities. We also understand the feedback, which helps us to improve our work, and try again.

Tools and Resources for Open Source Contribution

  1. Version Control: We are familiar with Git, the most widely used version control system in open source projects.
  2. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): We use IDEs like Visual Studio Code, Atom, or IntelliJ IDEA for efficient coding.
  3. Communication Tools: We stay connected with the community through tools like Slack, Discord, and mailing lists.
  4. Code Review Platforms: We participate in code reviews on platforms like GitHub and GitLab to learn from others and improve your own contributions.

Building a Lasting Impact

Consistent and high-quality contributions can lead to significant recognition and opportunities within the open source community. Consider taking on leadership roles, mentoring new contributors, or organizing community events to further your involvement. By actively participating, you can inspire others and become a valuable asset to the open source ecosystem.


Open source contribution is a journey of continuous learning and growth. Start small, embrace challenges, and enjoy the collaborative process of building something impactful with a global community of developers.

Matrix Media Solutions is committed to fostering a culture of open source contribution among our employees. We encourage our team members to explore open source opportunities and share their knowledge with the community. By supporting open source, we believe we can create a better, more innovative future for everyone.

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